I have worked first in journalism, then in corporate communications for the past 24 years. Photography and creative writing were what drew me to the college papers at Capilano College and UBC. An interest in telling stories and learning about what makes people and communities tick helped me make the move from writing and shooting about crime, entertainment , local news and sports to helping business organizations recognize opportunities for effective communication.
I work with individuals, groups and organizations to help them solve business issues through the right use of creativity, collective action, design and technology. Most of my recent employment has been with medium-sized organizations (by
Canadian standards) with specialized functional areas. But I have also been a one-person communications and marketing shop when called upon.
Originally from Winnipeg (as a kid) and Vancouver, I live in Saskatchewan with three amazing kids and the smartest woman I know (and that's not just because she chose me).
Business communications, international development, photography, film, technology, people, genealogy, golf and cycling.