BLOGLAND – Officials today announced the launch of Mutually Inclusive, a promising web log that examines the relationship between people and PR/technology/marketing.
“Um, it’s hard to define what will be covered,” commented aspiring web logger Eric Eggertson at the sparsely-attended opening ceremony. “With more than 8 million blogs out there, it took a while to find a niche. When we’re sure what that niche is, we’ll let you know.”
The communications consultant (no, that is NOT code for unemployed) went on to say he will explore our assumptions about what motivates people and why they don’t always behave according to plan.
“Did I mention my wry sense of humour?” Eggertson said to the now-empty conference room. “I also have a great recipe for Icelandic crepes that I’m willing to share with the world…”