Allan Jenkins is calling on bloggers and communicators to spend more time and energy doing something useful about disasters like Hurricane Katrina.
From his blog, Desirable Roasted Coffee:
So what can IABC and its members, PRSA and its members, any communicator -- or any one of us, for that matter, do to help this effort?
- Well, we can donate (our) time. Plenty of information about that on the Wiki.
- We can also donate money or services to keep the effort going. It's a volunteer effort, and they are using free software (Blogger, Skype, etc) but there are some hosting costs. You can read more about their needs here. Microcontributions or contributions-in-kind appear welcome.
The lesson here for communicators? Bloggers and micro-media users -- real communicators -- can make a difference. It's a question of rapid organization and will. We don't have the tools is no longer an excuse for us.