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February 19, 2006


Shel Holtz

Eric, one of the reasons the Commons is public is that a key goal is to elevate broad public perception that IABC's membership is made up of bright, energetic, and thoughtful professionals -- the kind of group non-members would want to join.

We dug into the rank-and-file of IABC to find the blog authors, rather than the "usual suspects." We approached them with a written proposal that outlined their role as a Commons blogger. Specifically, they don't have to post too often since they're part of a group -- a couple posts a week from each participant will keep the blog vibrant. Also, if they get tired of it, we'll be happy to replace them with somebody else from the association's membership. The bios of the volunteer bloggers for each of the blogs will be up in a while -- Chris Hall had to suspend his work on the infrastructure to tackle the IT needs of Chapter Leadership Institute, but he'll be back!

Eric Eggertson

Shel: I'm impressed with the concept and the way it's set up. I'm looking foward to seeing how ideas are presented and discussed.

I agree with the idea of using the blogs as a way to show off the best and brightest of the communications profession, and letting the readers figure out that all these talented people are IABC members.

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