News items from my shared bookmarking account.
PR in the Age of Consumer Control
- Kevin Dugan on the use of social media to manage public relations.
The State of the News Media 2006
The project for Excellence in Journalism releases its 2006 report on the state of the industry in the U.S.
Getting my interactive kettle online
Neville Hobson looks at the potential for consumer products to become much more user-friendly by becoming more automated and more interactive with a person's technology.
Welcome to the World of Karl Marx
Allan Jenkins covers a presentation at the Don't Stop Innovation Conference by Arie de Geus, describing the traits of companies that have lasted centuries.
Institutional Power Declining, Forrester Says
Steve Rubel on the Forrester Research report on the changing landscape of business and brands.
Overwhelmed with pitches, Dave, say it isn’t so!
Robert Scoble makes an impassioned case for remembering the human factor in blogging.
Nice guys finish last - Personal Branding - Branson vs Trump
Derek Leverington looks at the peronal branding of Virgin boss Richard Branson and Donald Trump.
Talk Digger: find, follow and join discussions evolving on the Internet
Tool that combines the results from various search engines, showing links from web sites to the URL you key in.
Tags: internet, brands, branding, pitches, talkdigger, search, web2.0, innovation, journalism, news
Powered by Qumana
TalkDigger gave unimpressive results when I typed in a colleague's URL. Most of the first few results appeared to be hijacks, pointing to a competitor's page. I'll be interested to see if others do better.
Posted by: Tim Hicks | March 17, 2006 at 01:19 PM
I really like Talk Digger. I've used it on several occasions to find out which blogs are linking to my clients' websites. It helped identify at least one blogger who we'll be reaching out to in the future.
Posted by: David Jones | March 17, 2006 at 04:17 PM
David: I actually meant to credit you with pointing Talk Digger out to me, but forgot. I've only taken it for a spin a couple of times, so I can't vouch for its consistency, but I can definitely see the value of a tool like that.
Posted by: Eric Eggertson | March 17, 2006 at 04:43 PM