Brown Communications puts its best creative foot forward on a billboard on their Albert Street office in Regina. The self promotion generally tries to get the observer to look twice, and hopefully think about the visual or verbal pun after they've driven by.
It's a good idea. When your office is on the main drag, use your office to make a statement. See their complete library of billboards.
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Links to this page: AdRants; Derek Leverington
A previous post about Brown by Advergirl.
Does that require some sort of adapter? I think it'd be perfect for a block heater on the new H3...
Posted by: USELESS MAN | March 01, 2006 at 12:19 PM
Mega Hummers, definitely. Given the size, I assume the plug is also intended for alien spacecraft (with an adapter) or electronic-powered freighters and battleships. The Prairie location might be a problem for the latter.
Posted by: Eric Eggertson | March 01, 2006 at 12:26 PM
I think that they should get bonus points if the switch moves to OFF when they are closed, or they put covers on the outlets during off hours.
Posted by: Saskboy | March 02, 2006 at 09:09 PM