There's not a lot pretension among bloggers here in Saskatchewan. We got together for a barbecue in Wascana Park Saturday, and there were more baseball caps and t-shirts than references to social media and Web 2.0.
That's not to say the IQ level was lower than you would expect among a group of bloggers, or the level of technical innovation here is somehow substandard. We just don't like to make a big deal about things.
There were 10 bloggers and another dozen friends and family on hand for burgers, cake and some beer surreptitiously sipped from travel mugs, at the picnic benches just up from Wascana Lake. It was a nice chance to meet in person the people you bump into online. And there were some folks whose blogs I had never visited, who I've now checked out. (Where a blogger is anonymous online, I've used their online nom-de-plume.)
Typically, one of the organizers of this get-together is Stephen Glauser, a Saskatchewan guy who now lives in Calgary. With that city now officially exceeding the population of our province, there's no secret here about where many of Alberta's new recruits to the workforce have come from over the past decade. Stephen sent an e-mail explaining why he couldn't make the event. managed not to make it to his own event, but what do you expect from an Albertan? ;-) The other main organizer, Saskboy, arrived with Mom and Dad, gf and friends in tow, and they are the nicest folks.
Miraculously, there was no jello salad -- a staple of potluck dinners across the province. To celebrate Soulfood's birthday, she brought a cake with the Saskatchewan flag in yellow, green, red and white icing (photo by Saskboy). In addition to dogs, kids, games, food and all that jazz, there were bocce ball jugglers.
I had some family obligations, so I didn't make it to the Riders game after the barbecue, and I ended up missing everyone at the bar after the game. But at least I now have faces to attach to blogs, which makes me feel more like a part of the Sask blogging community than I did last week.
Special thanks to Lance Levsen, whose Saskatchewan Blogs Aggregator makes keeping track of who's blogging here, and what they're saying, much easier.
Other bloggers: Kate McMillan, Brandon and Lins, Krydor, Uncle Meat, Andrew Pilon and Pilot.
Some photos here and here. I've got some photos that I'll add tomorrow.
Tags: saskatchewan, blogs, bloggers, meetup
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