The first time I started our Xbox I couldn't believe the incredibly noisy start-up sound that emanated from the TV speakers.
Obviously, the design team never tried to catch a quick video game at 2 a.m., while everyone else is asleep.
It's designed to draw attention to the fact that you're about to play games instead of:
- > sleeping
- > doing chores
- > working, or
- > monitoring the reactor core.
Thanks, Microsoft, for such an annoying experience that I will always associate with your product.
Now, the company is planning to hard-code a start-up sound into the long-delayed Windows Vista operating system. Now even the geeks won't be able to disable that Windows trill, as they boot their laptops during a conference, meeting, phone call, symphony recoding session, or whatever.
On Scoble's blog, the decision is described as part of the Vista "brand experience."
Some design decisions are so anti-customer, it's hard to describe the stupidity behind them.
Tags: microsoft, mistakes, sound, branding, stupidity
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