Anyone who's been to more than a couple of conferences can tell you the most valuable sessions are in the hallway, or in the bar, chatting and arguing with other participants.
Yet most conference promotions maintain the myth that the keynote speakers and the panel discussions are the reason to pay vast sums of money to attend.
So it was refreshing to read a recent blurb that came across my Inbox from the Momentum Growth Conference, coming up in September. The exclusive conference is for the best of the best of media companies and hot technology firms, venture capitalists and tech journalists.
Conference organizers offer to arrange intimate get-togethers among potential corporate partners. And then there's the promise of lots of alcohol:
"During the two-day conference, we will explore the exploding digital convergence ecosystem from a bottoms-up and top-down perspective as the Momentum companies and market leaders such as Yahoo!, Google, AOL, MSN, News Corporation, Qualcomm, Nokia and others discuss and debate issues such as copyrights, advertising, emerging business models, and the importance of picking the right partners."
Bottoms up: interjection. Friendly remark said before starting to drink alcoholic beverages.
Bottom-up: adjective. Of an approach to a problem that begins with details and works up to the highest conceptual level.
Now that's my kind of conference!
(Definitions from Word Web Online Dictionary and Thesarurus.)
Tags: tech, momentum growth conference, conferences, humor, bloopers, media
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