When you scan a headline like this in The Onion, you know it's either a hilarious exagerration of the truth, or American foreign policy (read: credibility) has sunk to a new low.
If it's humour, everyone's getting in on the joke:
- Talking Torture and Using Germany as an Illustration - Atlantic Review
- Senate Passes Torture Bill and Bush Pardon - Drudge Report: Beavis Christ Blog
- Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir, at Long Last? - Tragos, Brian Cooney
- Senate Passes Detainee Bill Sought by Bush - New York Times
When the post 9/11 suspension of some human rights began, I hoped the various governments, armies and security agencies would somehow distinguish themselves by their ethics and actions from those who sew terror with suicide bombs in public places. The distinction continues to blur until into insignificance.
Tags: terrorists, usa, senate, anti-terrorism, torture
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