Confesion: I have a thing for signage. I rave about good signage, and contantly harp about the perils of bad signage.
When I see a new stop sign - without warning signs about the change - all I see is a lawsuit. When I can barely navigate a parking garage because the signs are hard to read, hard to understand and poorly placed, I vow not to return to that mall (well, for a few months, anyway).
When I speed up after the super speed bumps, only to find out someone mistakenly placed the 50 km/h sign before the last speed bump, instead of after it, I start to fantacize about painful procedures mistakenly performed on city engineers. (Try going over one of those extra large speed bumps at 50 K when your spouse is recovering from whiplash. Now go look up pain and suffering in the dictionary.)
So, I'm a signage fetishist. I'm not ashamed.
I was particularly pleased to come across Josh Hallett's photos from an Ikea. The signage - like the rest of the store and product design - is simple, elegant and extremely functional.
The spotlight trained on the arrow on the floor is a particularly nice touch. Thanks for sharing, Josh. His Flickr photos. Check his blog, too.
Tangential linking: For a different take on design, check out Ross Howard's post about ambient signifiers, and how the use of sound on the Tokyo rail system suggests ways to subtly help website visitors find their way (and no, Ross isn't suggesting musical websites).
Tags: signage, kea, retail, signs, joshhallett, functionality
Man, what a headline.
Posted by: Andrea Weckerle | November 24, 2006 at 10:05 PM
I've been told provocative headlines sometimes attract attention. Am I naughty?
Posted by: Eric Eggertson | November 25, 2006 at 08:20 AM
Not sure how to answer that.
Posted by: Andrea Weckerle | November 25, 2006 at 03:18 PM
My bet is that Eric is Naughty! I love signage as well, nice collection thanks, for sharing.
Posted by: Steve Hultgren | November 25, 2006 at 09:55 PM